Finding Your Best Ideas

Your best ideas will come when you are relaxing.

Your best ideas will come when you’re just below the treeline of a mountain summit.

Your best ideas will come on long walks around the block.

Your best ideas will come in the shower.

Your best ideas will come on the drive home from the gym.

Your best ideas will come while reading at the airport.

Your best ideas will come when you’re not expecting them.

Your best ideas will come when you’re away from the computer.

Turn your phone off and let your mind wander. There’s a magical phenomenon that happens when you take time away from technology. You spend so much time diving into your thoughts tethered to a desk, while most of your ideas will come when you are away.

Go for a walk without your phone. Listen and feel nature all around you. It’s more inspiring than the walls of your office. If you want to capture ideas, bring a notebook.

Shower thoughts are just that for a reason. Your mind is relaxed without distractions. It can flow freely. Your thoughts bounce off the walls of your mind and come out with no fight. The dopamine spawns from a different source now.

You are in charge of your mind, not technology. Just as it should be.

Strive to give your mind relaxation without distractions multiple times per week.

Published on: January 7, 2024